Sidney Nebraska Family Photography | Hillside Golf Course Family Portraits

We kicked off the free sessions with a Monday night family photoshoot with mom's, Valerie, Ashley & Morgan at the Hillside Golf Course.  It was a bit of a struggle to get all the kiddos to do what they were supposed to but the light was perfect and made for amazing images.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Sidney Nebraska Photography | Recap: Free Summer Sessions

On Tuesday & Wednesday this past week, I shot 6, almost 7 photoshoots. One of my AIC classmates drove up from Denver to help out and I offered free sessions to anyone interested in participating.

We did most of the shoots at Legion Park or in the Living Memorial Gardens in Sidney. Check out the video recap below and "Like" my facebook page to be the first to know the next time I offer free sessions.

Participants received a free photoshoot and credit for an 8x10 print through my new online ordering system!